Sassy Sauce Polish: If the Shoe Fits …

*Press Sample

Are you part of the Blurple~Winkle Polish Lovers Facebook group? Yes, alright you’re all set! No, then run on over now and join now! You can do so by clicking this link here. Sassy Sauce Polish is making the June group custom and you aren’t going to want to miss If the Shoe Fits …


Before we get to the swatches let’s take a look at the inspiration picture chosen for the group custom.

Can we just say WOW! What a great inspiration picture to create from. This is one of my all time favorite groups! It’s no secret my favorite color is purple and to be more specific I love blurple purples. All blurple lovers who need some blurple eye candy (or periwinkle) this is the place for you.

Release Information: the Blurple~Winkle group custom If the Shoe Fits … will be available from Sunday, June 16th through Saturday, June 29th on the Sassy Sauce Polish website. You must be a member of the Blurple~Winkle Polish Lovers Facebook group in order to purchase the polish. Pricing is set at $11 per bottle.

If the Shoe Fits …

A shifty metallic blurple that also has pink magnetic sparkles. You can wear this color without using a magnet but when in magnetized the pink sparkles give a really pretty effect. Shown in two coats non-magnetized and one coat over a black creme magnetized. Due to the magnetic pigment If the Shoe Fits … dries naturally to a metallic like finish. Which way is your favorite, magnetized or non-magnetized?

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